Since I can't really do any work on my box until I get my new 1/4" chisel, today I decided to clean up some old tools that I bought at an estate sale last month. I had read that soaking old tools in citric acid would loosen the rust on them, so yesterday I went to a brewery supply store and bought 8oz of it. They were pretty busy while I was there, so I had time to look around and dream of other hobbies I could get into. Of course, right now I have plenty on my hands, so beer making will have to wait for another day.
The picture in the upper left is my brace and bits before I did anything to them. In the upper right the bits are soaking in a solution of about 1/4 cup citric acid power and 1/2 gallon of warm water. After about an hour, I started scrubbing the bits with strips of Scotch pads. In the picture in the lower left, you can see difference. Once all the bits were scrubbed, I sharpened them with my auger bit file as seen in the lower right picture. I then rubbed them all down with some light oil to prevent them from rusting again.
I decided not to soak my brace in the citric acid, mainly because I think it takes away from the value of an old tool. Also, it would only improve the aesthetics of the tool and not and its operation. Instead I sprayed it down with WD-40 and scrubbed off a little of the surface rust. I also took apart the chuck and cleaned it with WD-40 and a brass bristle brush. Then I wiped it all down, put it back together and put a little oil in the bushing on the top knob. I also took apart my egg beater drill and cleaned it with WD-40 and oiled it up.
At the left are my drills and bits all ready to go to work.